Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to be weary en español


weary verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
wearied, has wearied, is wearying, wearies
cansar, fatigar; cansarse; hastiar, aburrir

Ejemplos de uso de
weary verb

  • The work wearies me sometimes.
  • these constant complaints are really wearying me

Sinónimos de
weary verb

Sinónimos detallados para weary verb

Ver: Tire

Traducción inversa para to be weary

cansar  - to be tiresome, to wear out, to tire 
fatigar  - to fatigue, to tire 
cansarse  - to wear oneself out, to get bored 
hastiar  - to make weary, to bore, to disgust, to sicken 
aburrir  - to bore, to tire